Ron Buckton (2013-06-30T22:41:27.000Z)
Couldn't you just do:

var squaredSmalls = Int16Array.from((v*v for v of smalls));

Or is the allocation of a generator  expensive enough to warrant the mapFn argument? Alternatively, is it the need to support a map on a non-iterable "array-like"?


Sent from my Windows Phone
From: Tab Atkins Jr.<mailto:jackalmage at>
Sent: ‎6/‎24/‎2013 1:28 PM
To: Domenic Denicola<mailto:domenic at>
Cc: es-discuss<mailto:es-discuss at>
Subject: Re: Why does Array.from also take a mapFn?

On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 12:55 PM, Domenic Denicola
<domenic at> wrote:
> Thanks Allen. The
>> ```js
>> var squaredSmalls_try2= Int16Array.from(> v*v));   // still no good, because intermediate array is Int8Array
>> ```
> example certainly clears it up for me. Tricky stuff.
> I was going to write "it's still a bit weird to me that we overload `Array.from` with the mapping functionality", but then I realized this is only weird because of my preconceptions about `Array.from` dating back from when we first discussed it on-list.
> Taken on its own, without any historical bias, I think it's fine for `Array.from`, and more importantly `Int16Array.from` etc., to take a mapping function. You derive a new `Int16Array` "from" another iterable, optionally via some rule. Makes sense!

Yup; in other words, Array.from is just the type-converting Array#map
(defaulting its callback to the identity function).

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github at (2013-07-12T02:27:36.766Z)
Couldn't you just do:

var squaredSmalls = Int16Array.from((v*v for v of smalls));

Or is the allocation of a generator  expensive enough to warrant the mapFn argument? Alternatively, is it the need to support a map on a non-iterable "array-like"?