Oliver Hunt (2013-11-10T03:49:54.000Z)
I think there’s a comment on that page to the effect of “it has to be a string”, i think amazon was one of the sites that interpret the existence of .stack as implying it’s a string.

All things being equal i think that i prefer the current Carakan/V8 string format, and would be happy to change JSC’s message to that.

As far as eager vs. late creation, I’ve seen - and recall from Java - that people try to get a stack trace with (new Error).stack, which i guess is an argument for creation with the error object.  On the other hand appending .stack to an arbitrary object on throw means anything can have a stack trace (this is what JSC does).  Despite the “yay whatever object i want” advantage, as time has gone by i’ve found myself feeling that appending at Error construction is a better model and would not be opposed to that being the standard.

That said the “new Error().stack” or in JSC "try {throw {}}catch(e){e.stack}” (woo concise!) construct is sufficiently common that i think we should provide a decent stack introspection API, as terrible as that idea is :(

My main concern with that is that it could expose implementation specific details (though not necessarily as bad as .caller).


On Nov 9, 2013, at 5:04 PM, Rick Waldron <waldron.rick at gmail.com> wrote:

> Here is the current work http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=strawman:error_stack
> On Sat, Nov 9, 2013 at 7:50 PM, Nicholas C. Zakas <standards at nczconsulting.com> wrote:
> Reading through the recent ES draft, I was surprised to see that there is no definition for the "stack" instance property on Error or NativeError. This is supported in all browsers (including IE 10+) and Node.js, and it seems like it's supported in a reasonably consistent way that would lend itself to formal definition.
> Is this a spec oversight or is the exclusion intentional?
> Thanks.
> -- 
> ___________________________
> Nicholas C. Zakas
> http://www.nczonline.net
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domenic at domenicdenicola.com (2013-11-13T17:21:01.456Z)
I think there’s a comment on that page to the effect of “it has to be a string”, i think amazon was one of the sites that interpret the existence of .stack as implying it’s a string.

All things being equal i think that i prefer the current Carakan/V8 string format, and would be happy to change JSC’s message to that.

As far as eager vs. late creation, I’ve seen - and recall from Java - that people try to get a stack trace with `(new Error).stack`, which i guess is an argument for creation with the error object.  On the other hand appending .stack to an arbitrary object on throw means anything can have a stack trace (this is what JSC does).  Despite the “yay whatever object i want” advantage, as time has gone by i’ve found myself feeling that appending at Error construction is a better model and would not be opposed to that being the standard.

That said the `new Error().stack` or in JSC `try {throw {}}catch(e){e.stack}` (woo concise!) construct is sufficiently common that i think we should provide a decent stack introspection API, as terrible as that idea is :(

My main concern with that is that it could expose implementation specific details (though not necessarily as bad as .caller).