Andreas Rossberg (2013-12-04T10:09:04.000Z)
On 4 December 2013 11:03, Brendan Eich <brendan at> wrote:
> Olov did write "because val leaks to the outer scope". That's a reason for
> the convenience of
> if (let x = ...) { /* x in scope here */ }
> (or const), vs.
> { let x = ...; if (x) { /* ... */ } }
> Braces count, this is winning in C++.

Yes, see the last sentence of my reply. What I (and presumably Axel)
was puzzled about is why Olov said that he was forced to use 'let'
instead of 'const'.

domenic at (2013-12-10T01:44:42.256Z)
Yes, see the last sentence of my reply. What I (and presumably Axel)
was puzzled about is why Olov said that he was forced to use 'let'
instead of 'const'.