Claude Pache (2013-12-18T01:06:28.000Z)

Tonight, when playing with ES6’s new functions, I was wishing that `Object.assign` could accept several `source` objects:

    Object.assign(target, source1, source2, ...) // equivalent to `Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(target, source1), source2), ...)`

My use case: I have several objects, used as dictionaries, coming from different sources, and I want to merge them together. For example:

    c.prototype.exec = function(userParams) {
        var params = Object.assign({ method: "GET" }, this.defaultParams, userParams)
        // etc.

Any thoughts?

domenic at (2014-01-03T16:11:09.883Z)
Tonight, when playing with ES6’s new functions, I was wishing that `Object.assign` could accept several `source` objects:

Object.assign(target, source1, source2, ...) // equivalent to `Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(target, source1), source2), ...)`

My use case: I have several objects, used as dictionaries, coming from different sources, and I want to merge them together. For example:

    c.prototype.exec = function(userParams) {
        var params = Object.assign({ method: "GET" }, this.defaultParams, userParams)
        // etc.

Any thoughts?