Sebastian Markbåge (2013-12-29T02:36:05.000Z)
> I'm not exactly sure where who you see ES6 classes fitting into React.

We've explored using:
class MyComponent extends React.Component { };
let MyComponent = React.createClass(class { });
let MyComponent = React.createClass({ method() { super(); } });

Your @@create example convinced me that we're better off using the first
one together with @@create. That will allow us to delay allocation of the
hidden instance.
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domenic at (2014-01-08T19:53:59.248Z)
> I'm not exactly sure where who you see ES6 classes fitting into React.

We've explored using:

class MyComponent extends React.Component { };
let MyComponent = React.createClass(class { });
let MyComponent = React.createClass({ method() { super(); } });

Your `@@create` example convinced me that we're better off using the first
one together with `@@create`. That will allow us to delay allocation of the
hidden instance.