Tab Atkins Jr. (2014-01-24T16:49:58.000Z)
On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 8:48 AM, John Lenz <concavelenz at> wrote:
> For static language parsers there seems to be a bit of a dilemma with ES6
> modules.  I would appreciate a correct or hint.
> Here is my understanding:
>   - standard scripts as we know them today will parse in the browser as
> "loose" code
>   - scripts with the standard "use strict" will parse as "strict" with
> access to all ES6 goodness

Loose code will also get all the ES6 goodness.  1JS and all that.

domenic at (2014-01-31T16:18:49.539Z)
Loose code will also get all the ES6 goodness.  1JS and all that.