Brendan Eich (2014-01-30T15:54:06.000Z)
John Lenz wrote:
> Generally, I've always thought of:
> "if (x) ..." as equivalent to "if (x) { ... }"

let and const (and class) are block-scoped. {...} in your "if (x) {...}" 
is a block. An unbraced consequent is not a block, and you can't have a 
"conditional let binding".

The restriction avoids nonsense such as

let x = 0; { if (y) let x = 42; alert(x); }

What pray tell is going on here, in your model?

domenic at (2014-02-04T21:24:21.533Z)
John Lenz wrote:
> Generally, I've always thought of:
> `if (x) ...` as equivalent to `if (x) { ... }`

let and const (and class) are block-scoped. {...} in your "if (x) {...}" 
is a block. An unbraced consequent is not a block, and you can't have a 
"conditional let binding".

The restriction avoids nonsense such as

let x = 0; { if (y) let x = 42; alert(x); }

What pray tell is going on here, in your model?