David Bruant (2014-03-05T09:07:58.000Z)
Le 05/03/2014 09:24, Eric Elliott a écrit :
> What ever happened to Array.prototype.contains? There's an old 
> strawman for Array.prototype.has ( 
> http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=strawman:array.prototype.has ) 
> that references this thread: ( 
> https://mail.mozilla.org/pipermail/es-discuss/2012-February/020745.html )
Let's try to add it to the next meeting agenda

> But it seems the thread fizzled out a couple years ago, and 
> Array.prototype.contains didn't seem to make its way into ES6. That 
> seems odd, since we do have String.prototype.contains, and it seemed 
> like it was desirable for DOM.
The DOM won't inherit from it directly, shall it?

> It's also a standard utility function in several libraries.
> Was it left out on purpose? If so, what was the justification?
> I predict code like this without it:
> ''.contains.call([1,2,3],2);// true
.indexOf === -1 works today for this use case and will continue to.
I'd be happy to see !~arr.indexOf(el) disappear in favor of a use of 
.contains() though.

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domenic at domenicdenicola.com (2014-03-20T16:06:00.352Z)
Le 05/03/2014 09:24, Eric Elliott a écrit :
> What ever happened to Array.prototype.contains?

Let's try to add it to the next meeting agenda

> it seemed like it was desirable for DOM.

The DOM won't inherit from it directly, shall it?

> I predict code like this without it:
> ```js
> ''.contains.call([1,2,3],2);// true
> ```

`.indexOf === -1` works today for this use case and will continue to.
I'd be happy to see `!~arr.indexOf(el)` disappear in favor of a use of 
`.contains()` though.