ES6 module syntax – done?

# Axel Rauschmayer (11 years ago)

I haven’t seen any mention of import * as foo in the meeting notes, so I’m assuming that the ES6 module syntax is basically done. Right? Except for the “import-into-namespace syntax”, of course. As an aside, I’m really glad that this won’t be used here (which would have resulted in yet another thing one has to learn about this).

# Juan Ignacio Dopazo (11 years ago)

There was discussion about using this for exposing metadata about the module. For example (pure speculation):

this.address; // location of the current module; // name of the current module
this.metadata; // object with metadata generated during the loading lifecycle
this.loader // maybe? reference to the loader that actually loaded this module
# Domenic Denicola (11 years ago)

Was just going through updating @esdiscuss when I noticed nobody really answered this thread. Which is lame.

The meeting notes at 1 are hard to interpret given that the slides are still MIA (Dave?). But essentially, import-into-namespace syntax is now import * as x from "y", replacing the previous module x from "y".

There was then discussion of how to get module metadata, with Dave's initial proposal per his slides being this (as Juan shows). However, we eventually arrived at the idea of

import { name, url } from this module;

(with this module being bikesheddable, but everyone more or less liked that.) As the notes show, you could also do e.g. import * as me from this module and then use and so on.

# Kevin Smith (11 years ago)

Thanks, Domenic. Very helpful!​

# Kyle Simpson (10 years ago)

Just for posterity sake, since I got tripped up here…

import .. from this module did not make it into ES6. It may come in later, in that form or some other.

# James Kyle (10 years ago)

There was then discussion of how to get module metadata, with Dave's initial proposal per his slides being this (as Juan shows). However, we eventually arrived at the idea of

import { name, url } from this module;

Would it make more sense to add additional meta properties in ES7 for import/export metadata?

ie. // name of the current module

export.address // location of the current module

export.metadata // object with metadata generated during the loading lifecycle

export.loader // maybe? reference to the loader that actually loaded this module

# Caridy Patino (10 years ago)

that is correct.

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# Caridy Patino (10 years ago)

yes, we just don't know yet, we have to think about it. there is already a good discussion happening about the loader shim we plan to provide, etc. look into the loader repo.

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