Quantifying Default Exports

# Kevin Smith (10 years ago)

In the "ModuleImport" thread, I pointed out that the user experience gains from default exports would be marginal. I thought it might be interesting to put some numbers behind that claim, so I performed a rough analysis on a sampling of NPM packages.


I compiled a list of the 500 "most-dependended-upon" NPM packages using the data found at www.npmjs.org/browse/depended . For each package, I downloaded the package archive from the NPM registry, used npm install to install the package's dependencies, and then loaded the package using Node's require. For each loaded package, I recorded the following information:

  1. The "typeof" value for the loaded module object.
  2. For modules reporting typeof === "object", whether the object's prototype was Object.prototype.
  3. For modules reporting typeof !== "object", a list of the object's own keys.

The installation and loading process failed for a small selection of packages (usually because of binary compilation issues). In those cases, I opened the package code in a text editor and manually recorded the data.

In addition, I performed static analysis on a Python codebase I'm familiar with containing over 6000 files, counting the number of occurrences of import declarations with and without import renaming.


(a) NPM packages scanned: 500
(b) Packages with custom exports (*): 280 (56%)
(c) Packages with a function-valued export: 257 (51.4%)
(d) Packages with an expanded function export (**): 148 (29.6%)

(*) typeof exports !== "object || Object.getPrototypeOf(exports) !== Object.prototype
(**) Exported function has own keys (expandos)

(e) Python modules scanned: 6096
(f) Imports: 46276
(g) Renamed imports: 1472 (3.18%)


There are three known arguments supporting default exports. Let's take a look at each one in turn.

  1. Default exports saves the user the hassle of having to know the exported name.

This argument is unsound, since the user always has to know the API of the source module before use, regardless of whether or not default exports are used.

  1. Default exports allows implicit renaming of the imported binding.

From (b), we see that 56% of the packages in the study export a custom object, where a custom object is defined as a non-object or an object whose prototype is not Object.prototype. It would seem then, that 56% of these packages would benefit from default exports.

However, we also see that roughly 30% of packages export a function with custom properties attached as expandos. These packages are in effect multiple-export modules. In ES6, they would be written as named exports with a default export. In such cases, the benefit of implicit import renaming must be balanced against the added API complexity of having both a default export and named exports: the user has to remember which exports are named and which one is anonymous. We assume that the net effect is no improvement to user experience. As such, we can eliminate these cases from the pool that is expected to benefit from default exports.

That leaves us with 132 packages (26.4% of the total) which will receive a net benefit from implicit renaming. Let's call this group B, and its inverse ~B. From the Python data (g), we see that imported bindings are renamed, on average, in only 3.18% of cases. If we make a simplifying assumption that packages from B and ~B will be imported on average the same number of times, we can multiply percentages to find an estimate for the amount of renames we can expect to save, which turns out to be 0.84%.

Therefore, we can expect to save the user one explicit rename for every 119 imported bindings.

  1. Default exports improve interoperability with legacy modules.

All legacy modules which export a custom object will benefit from default exports, since it will allow the user to write:

import x from "x";

instead of:

import { default as x } from "x";

Since 56% of the packages in this study export a custom object, we can expect this benefit to apply in 56% of cases. However, two points must be noted.

First, this is a retrograde optimization. Optimizations should favor future usage of the language, not legacy usage. The value of the optimization should be viewed in this light.

Secondly, the optimization can be made entirely redundant by simply modifying the legacy packages in this study to expose their custom export object as a named expando property. For example:

function Foo() {}
module.exports = Foo;
Foo.Foo = module.exports;

Then the following will work without supporting syntax:

import { Foo } from "foo";

Such a strategy will allow users to experience the same benefit as default exports.


The default export feature creates a two-tiered module system, where a favored export is made the "default", and subordinate exports are named. Such a system is confusing to users and API developers. From analyzing NPM packages and import-renaming frequencies in Python, we see that the optimization provided by default exports for ES6 modules is insignificant.

The optimization for legacy modules is more significant, but there are other, equally effective solutions which do not require burdening the language with a confusing two-tiered module system.

It's been suggested that default exports merely paves a cowpath trod by CommonJS, Node and AMD. A more appropriate way to view the situation is to see that ES6 modules (without defaults) builds a highway over the cowpath, making the cowpath itself obsolete.

# Brian Di Palma (10 years ago)

Great work on the analysis, very thorough.

For what it's worth I disagree with

3) Default exports improve interoperability with legacy modules.

Based on my experience default exports do not help interoperability with legacy module systems.

I'm currently working on a global namespaced script code to ES6/CJS module compiler using node.js. The compiler is written in ES6 and I'm using CJS npm packages in the project.

When an npm package exports a named identifier it's trivial to use it in an ES6 module.

import { parse, print } from 'recast';

When on the other hand it sets its export on module.exports default exports provide no help at all. There is no export named default to import, so I'm forced to use the module form.

module minimist from 'minimist';

Examples taken from briandipalma/global-compiler/blob/master/src/index.js

Default imports/exports seem totally unnecessary to me. Nothing more then a distraction, providing no value but overhead.

# Juan Ignacio Dopazo (10 years ago)

On Saturday, July 19, 2014 1:53 PM, Brian Di Palma <offler at gmail.com> wrote:

When an npm package exports a named identifier it's trivial to use it

in an ES6 module.

import {     parse,     print } from 'recast';

When on the other hand it sets its export on module.exports default

exports provide no help at all.

This sounds like an issue in your transpiler. Ideally CJS modules inside projects written using ES6 modules should be treated as modules that default export an object. CJS modules don't have the same static semantics as their ES6 counterpart, so they should be treated as mutable objects. An ES6 Loader would do the same when loading CJS modules.


# Brian Di Palma (10 years ago)

It's using traceur and building the modules to CJS, the project uses other non transpiled CJS modules.

The only thing traceur could do here is compile the imports into a check for the named export default and use that if it exists. If it doesn't then simply return the CJS module object.

Here is the output from traceur


The relevant line would be

var minimist = require('minimist');

For default import from a CJS module you'd need to output

var minimist = require('minimist'); if (minimist.default) { minimist = minimist.default; }

Is that what you think traceur should do?

# Calvin Metcalf (10 years ago)

similar discussion at systemjs systemjs/systemjs#131 which boils down to if a CJS module imports an ES6 module that has a key named default, what should the default behavior be.

# Brian Di Palma (10 years ago)

Which shows the how the backward compatability argument for default export/imports doesn't stand up.

If you want to import module.exports then use the the module form if you want named imports use the named form. Default import/exports are generating nothing more then complexity, confusion and not serving their intended goals.

# Calvin Metcalf (10 years ago)

that won't help if module.exports is a function

Overall the import/exports semantics of es6 and cjs modules would be compatible if mixing named and default exports was prohibited, but the ability to have both is hard to represent in cjs modules.

# Brian Di Palma (10 years ago)

On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 3:31 PM, Calvin Metcalf <calvin.metcalf at gmail.com> wrote:

that won't help if module.exports is a function

That's exactly what minimist is, works just fine.


Overall the import/exports semantics of es6 and cjs modules would be compatible if mixing named and default exports was prohibited, but the ability to have both is hard to represent in cjs modules.

Don't understand this, do you have some code examples? I can't see why that would be the case.

# Calvin Metcalf (10 years ago)

I have a CommonJS module which exports a single function

module.exports = function (){}

If I was to transform it into an ES6 module the best way to do so currently it so use a default export

export default function () {}

now say I want to import those from another commonjs module, importing the first one is easy, but when importing the second one slightly less so, how should the loader treat that default export, a easy solution for this case is to simply have default exports act the same as a module.exports

But then what would you do about es6 modules that use default and named exports like the example at jsmodules.io which can be sumerized as

export default function mainThing(){}
export function helper (){};

, if we return a default export if it exists then there is no way to access the named exports.

So in that case it would make more sense to treat default as just another export name. But if we do that then that means that if we go back to our second example

export default function () {}

if that was to be treated that way then importing it from another commonjs module would be make it be equivalent to

exports.default = function (){}

In other words treating default as a regular name prevents you from losslessly converting commonjs in a backwards compatible way.

Making named and default exports be mutually exclusive would mean that you could treat default export like module.exports.

# Kevin Smith (10 years ago)

Making named and default exports be mutually exclusive would mean that you could treat default export like module.exports.

Or just drain the swamp and remove default exports, rather than fighting these alligators.

# Brian Di Palma (10 years ago)

On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 4:16 PM, Calvin Metcalf <calvin.metcalf at gmail.com> wrote:

I have a CommonJS module which exports a single function

module.exports = function (){}

If I was to transform it into an ES6 module the best way to do so currently it so use a default export

export default function () {}

now say I want to import those from another commonjs module, importing the first one is easy, but when importing the second one slightly less so, how should the loader treat that default export, a easy solution for this case is to simply have default exports act the same as a module.exports

But then what would you do about es6 modules that use default and named exports like the example at jsmodules.io which can be sumerized as

export default function mainThing(){}
export function helper (){};

, if we return a default export if it exists then there is no way to access
the named exports.

As mentioned in the GitHub issue I don't see why you couldn't compile to

` module.export = function mainThing(){};

module.export.helper = function(){}; `

Allowing access to the default and named.

# Calvin Metcalf (10 years ago)

(woops hit reply instead of reply all)

Because the function mainThing(){} might already have a method named helper or, more likely, the named export is something like call or bind.

# Brian Di Palma (10 years ago)

Yep, that makes sense. Highly unlikely but still possible and could cause issues. No doubt you could complicate your compiler to deal with these edge cases but why force that?

Yet more problems with default imports/exports. This feature doesn't seem worth its cost.

# Caridy Patino (10 years ago)

Interoperability should not be a decisive factor here, we have fallen into that trap before, the conclusion was to let Loader to handle those cases rather than trying to drive it from the perspective of the module syntax. Let's focus on what is best and what makes sense for the ES Modules, and keep the dynamic module systems out of the picture since we know we have a lot of flexibility with the loader to deal with those dynamic modules.

# Guy Bedford (10 years ago)

In Brian's case we actually need default exports. This is because the dynamic loader can't pick up the code he has written right now in ES6.

This is how he is loading a NodeJS module in ES6:

module minimist from 'minimist';

In ES6 this means "give me the Module object with getters to the exports".

But unfortunately in Traceur this is compiling into:

var minimist = require('minimist');

As a result the module syntax can possibly return him a 'function' or other non-Module object. Thus we have broken the ability to parse his code in the ES6 dynamic loader, as it is not capable of returning a non-Module object for a module import, which is pretty critical.

Thus default export properties are critical to enabling this support path.

# John Barton (10 years ago)

On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 10:06 AM, Guy Bedford <guybedford at gmail.com> wrote:

In Brian's case we actually need default exports. This is because the dynamic loader can't pick up the code he has written right now in ES6.

This is how he is loading a NodeJS module in ES6:

module minimist from 'minimist';

In ES6 this means "give me the Module object with getters to the exports".

But unfortunately in Traceur this is compiling into:

var minimist = require('minimist');

As a result the module syntax can possibly return him a 'function' or other non-Module object.

You seem to be saying "The traceur implementation of 'module' fails in this case". It seems to me that Traceur could generate code which would wrap functions in Module objects. That is, this is not a fundamental limit, just an unreported bug.

Thus we have broken the ability to parse his code in the ES6 dynamic loader, as it is not capable of returning a non-Module object for a module import, which is pretty critical.

Thus default export properties are critical to enabling this support path.

I believe that Caridy's point is: "fine, use dynamic linking".

# Guy Bedford (10 years ago)

Yes this is a bug that can be fixed at the compiler level. As you say we can generate a wrapper when loading a non-ES6 module in ES6:

newModule({ default: require('minimist') })

We then conditionally add this wrapper based on detecting if the import is an ES6 module. This is the same method we have for AMD compilations at the moment, which seems to have been working well.

# Brian Di Palma (10 years ago)

It doesn't seem an issue that requires the ES6 module spec to have something like default imports though.

The compiler could output

newModule({ default: require('minimist') })

and importers could do

import {default as minimist} from 'minimist';

Or you could have

newModule({ minimist: require('minimist'); })


import {minimist} from 'minimist';

depending on how the compiler is configured/written.

This is implementation detail of compilers and loaders of legacy systems as opposed to spec concerns.

# John Barton (10 years ago)

There are two issues here:

  1. Is 'default' essential?
  2. Should the spec. explicitly define commonjs loading?

Brian is claiming 1) no and 2) no. More important for me: does 2) require 1). Evidently not.


# Brian Di Palma (10 years ago)

From my understanding there was no spec work done to support bundling.

The reasoning I heard was due to HTTP/2 making this obsolete. I agree with that and think that's a sensible decision, the community have come up with their own shared solution which seems to work. At least that's my understanding of the System.register work.

Could the same approach not be taken for compatability with legacy module systems? If traceur and the ES6ML polyfills decide that default or exports is the export name they will provide module.exports with I will use that when interfacing with legacy code until it's upgraded.

One day in the future this will no longer be a concern, just like bundling, so specing it seems to give it undue permanence.

# Calvin Metcalf (10 years ago)

Wasn't the original issue single exports and their demonstrated utility in node and AMD?

# Brian Di Palma (10 years ago)

What utility is that exactly? They are easier to import in terms of typing?

I would hope that with ES6 modules all a programmer would have to write is the name of the import and the IDE would auto insert the import statement. The sort of IDE support you would see for Java or C#, of course that will only work with named exports.

If everything is default then the IDE can't help that much when it comes to auto complete and inserts.

I think that issue has already been addressed by people pointing out that modules were written in the default style due to named exports being ugly in CJS.

# Marius Gundersen (10 years ago)

On 22 Jul 2014 00:30, "Calvin Metcalf" <calvin.metcalf at gmail.com> wrote:

Wasn't the original issue single exports and their demonstrated utility

in node and AMD?

Default can be used with named exports, and therefore does not indicate that a module is single export. And you can make a single export module by exporting a single named export. Therefore there is no correlation between default and single exporting modules.

The default import is a useful syntactic sugar, but the default export does not map well with it, especially because rather than saving keystrokes it is (potentially) longer to use than a named export.

Marius Gundersen

# Kevin Smith (10 years ago)

We then conditionally add this wrapper based on detecting if the import is an ES6 module. This is the same method we have for AMD compilations at the moment, which seems to have been working well.

Just a side note, but for performance reasons in a real runtime system you can't pre-determine whether the target is an ES6 module or not - that would imply double-parsing and would necessarily be heuristic and incomplete.

In the end, either the import side or some preconfigured application state will have to explicitly specify which targets are ES6 and which are not.

I've worked though most of these issues already in es6now, which provides a complete picture of a backward compatible ES6 module system running on Node.


# Guy Bedford (10 years ago)

This is why I have previously posted asking for a function to determine if a given object is a module object.

Given such a function, Reflect.isModule say, we can convert our code to AMD or CommonJS like the following:

import p from 'module';

Converts to CommonJS:

var module = require('module'); if (!Reflect.isModule(module)) { module = { default: module }; } var p = module['default'];

Now whether the module is an ES6 module or another CommonJS module, we get what we expect.

# Alexandre Morgaut (10 years ago)

On 21 juil. 2014, at 17:16, Calvin Metcalf <calvin.metcalf at gmail.com<mailto:calvin.metcalf at gmail.com>> wrote:

I have a CommonJS module which exports a single function

module.exports = function (){}

Just to be exact this wouldn't be exactly a "CommonJS" module wiki.commonjs.org/wiki/Modules

module.exports isn't part of any of the 1.0, 1.1, or 1.1.1 versions of the CommonJS modules specification CommonJS doesn't support neither to replace the original exports object reference by another, so:

exports = function (){}

First implemented in node.js, then in few SSJS implementations to better support node modules it never was accepted as part of the standard, because considered as too error prone groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/commonjs/cyclic/commonjs/DECN5h4Lfms/-BrIu7TpKQkJ and is still not supported by some other CommonJS implementations

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