Roger Andrews (2012-03-10T04:00:07.000Z)
When getting rough with floating-point numbers, several constants come in 
handy, especially the "machine epsilon".  (Note there is some confusion in 
definition of "machine epsilon" and "unit roundoff" - the definition below 
is the one we want and the one used in the C library.)


Number.EPSILON == 2^-52
The difference between 1 and the smallest value >1 that is representable as 
a floating-point number.

Number.MIN_NORMAL == 2^-1022
The minimum positive value that can be stored as an IEEE normal number.

Number.MAX_INTEGER == 2^53 - 1
The maximum integer value that can be stored in a number without losing 
(OK, so technically 2^53 can be stored, but that's an anomaly.)

Number.MAX_POWTWO == 2^1023
The maximum power-of-two that can be stored in a number.
domenic at (2013-07-16T16:00:18.991Z)
When getting rough with floating-point numbers, several constants come in 
handy, especially the "machine epsilon".  (Note there is some confusion in 
definition of "machine epsilon" and "unit roundoff" - the definition below 
is the one we want and the one used in the C library.)


`Number.EPSILON == 2^-52` The difference between 1 and the smallest value >1 that is representable as a floating-point number.

`Number.MIN_NORMAL == 2^-1022` The minimum positive value that can be stored as an IEEE normal number.

`Number.MAX_INTEGER == 2^53 - 1` The maximum integer value that can be stored in a number without losing  precision. (OK, so technically 2^53 can be stored, but that's an anomaly.)

`Number.MAX_POWTWO == 2^1023` The maximum power-of-two that can be stored in a number.