Yusuke SUZUKI (2013-05-15T01:27:03.000Z)

Now [[Call]] doesn't return a Reference type, so I think issue[1] can be
closed, right?

[1]: https://bugs.ecmascript.org/show_bug.cgi?id=387

On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 10:19 AM, Allen Wirfs-Brock
<allen at wirfs-brock.com>wrote:

> At the usual place:
> http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:specification_drafts
> Changes include:
>    - Made Symbols a primitive type
>     - Added semantics for generator function and generator method
>    definitions
>     - Added semantics for array comprehensions and generator
>    comprehensions
>     - Added semantics for yield and yield*
>     - Replaced StopIteration exception with nextResult objects
>     - Updated for-in/of semantics to use new generator protocol
>     - Made Arrow function and concise method formal parameters “strict”
>     - Added Object.setPrototypeOf function
>     - Made Function constructor subclassable
>     - Added Array.prototype.find and findIndex
>     - Added Math.imul
>     - Added ArrayBuffer.isView to check for ArrayBuffer view objects
>     - Added Clause 15.19 defining the content of the build-in iteration
>    module. Coontains built-ins needed to support generators
>     - Disallow Unicode escapes as RegularExpressionFlags
>     - Moved Object.prototype.__proto__ back to Annex B. It’s a simple
>    access or that is not Realm specific.
>     - Added in Annex B __proto__ property keys in object literals
>     - Added placeholder in Annex B for defining syntax of html-like
>    comments
>     - In Annex B, first cut at block-level function declaration legacy
>    semantics
>     - Added RegExp.prototype.compile to Annexs B
>     - Fixed handling of negative integer indices for typed arrays.
>    Elimiante ToPositiveInteger abstract operation
>     - Typed Arrays are allowed to stre values using native endianess.
>     - Fixed various bugs in class declaration semantics
>     - Dates never expose -0 as a time value
>     - Resolved Bugs: 1469, 1461-1460, 1458, 1452-1451, 1449, 1446,
>    1442-1435, 1433, 1432-1414, 1411-1407, 1404, 1403-1401, 1399-1397,
>    1395-1392, 1389-1376, 1374-1366, 1363-1361, 1359, 1357-1355, 1352-1348,
>    1346, 1344-1342, 1340-1338, 1336-1318, 1316, 1314-1301, 1299-1296,
>    1294-1291, 1289-1288, 1286-1285, 1284, 1282, 1280-1277, 1272, 1253, 1117
> Allen
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> es-discuss mailing list
> es-discuss at mozilla.org
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Yusuke Suzuki
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github at esdiscuss.org (2013-07-12T02:27:22.293Z)

Now [[Call]] doesn't return a Reference type, so I think [bug #387][] can be
closed, right?

[bug #387]: https://bugs.ecmascript.org/show_bug.cgi?id=387