Rick Waldron (2013-05-31T15:01:48.000Z)
On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 7:33 AM, Till Schneidereit
<tschneidereit at gmail.com>wrote:

> I couldn't find any precise definition for the spec term "present", so
> this is not entirely clear to me.
> Example:
> In step 7 of Array.prototype.reduce, a TypeError must be thrown
> if the optional argument `initialValue` isn't present. If a value of
> `undefined` does *not* cause the argument to be present, that function can
> be implemented with the following signature:
> `function ArrayReduce(callbackfn, initialValue = undefined)`

`undefined` is a valid initial value for Array.prototype.reduce.
`undefined` will also trigger the default parameter, so this works until
nothing is provided, which breaks Step 10.

> If, however, the value `undefined` means that the argument is present, the
> signature should probably be:
> `function ArrayReduce(callbackfn, ...rest)`

With minor changes to steps 9 and 10, plus the addition of steps to check
rest.length and then Get(rest, "0"), this would work. I suspect that Allen
would prefer to craft some sort of spec mechanism, from this use case, for
"is foo present" assertions throughout the spec.


> The question isn't entirely academic, as I'm trying to get the self-hosted
> implementations of builtins in SpiderMonkey to be as close to the spec as
> possible.
> thanks,
> till
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github at esdiscuss.org (2013-07-12T02:27:21.936Z)
On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 7:33 AM, Till Schneidereit <tschneidereit at gmail.com> wrote:

> I couldn't find any precise definition for the spec term "present", so
> this is not entirely clear to me.
> Example:
> In step 7 of Array.prototype.reduce, a TypeError must be thrown
> if the optional argument `initialValue` isn't present. If a value of
> `undefined` does *not* cause the argument to be present, that function can
> be implemented with the following signature:
> `function ArrayReduce(callbackfn, initialValue = undefined)`

`undefined` is a valid initial value for Array.prototype.reduce.
`undefined` will also trigger the default parameter, so this works until
nothing is provided, which breaks Step 10.

> If, however, the value `undefined` means that the argument is present, the
> signature should probably be:
> `function ArrayReduce(callbackfn, ...rest)`

With minor changes to steps 9 and 10, plus the addition of steps to check
rest.length and then Get(rest, "0"), this would work. I suspect that Allen
would prefer to craft some sort of spec mechanism, from this use case, for
"is foo present" assertions throughout the spec.