David Bruant (2013-07-17T09:38:47.000Z)
[Freaking Gmail shortcuts! Sorry about that]

2013/7/17 David Bruant <bruant.d at gmail.com>

> Interestingly, "myArray.filter(filterG).map(mapG)" could be sort-of a lazy
> value. Actual computation filterG and mapG happens only when generating
> values from the
final generator.

This might enable optimizations that aren't currently possible with
Array.prototype methods.

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domenic at domenicdenicola.com (2013-07-19T15:42:24.071Z)
[Freaking Gmail shortcuts! Sorry about that]

2013/7/17 David Bruant <bruant.d at gmail.com>

> Interestingly, `myArray.filter(filterG).map(mapG)` could be sort-of a lazy
> value. Actual computation filterG and mapG happens only when generating
> values from the

final generator.

This might enable optimizations that aren't currently possible with
Array.prototype methods.