Brendan Eich (2013-07-29T03:43:14.000Z)
Axel Rauschmayer wrote:
> 1. Absolutely love the multiple dispatch stuff (slide 10).
> 2. A bit uneasy about typeof, which will never properly express 
> JavaScript’s “class” hierarchy.

What class hierarchy? primitives have wrappers but those are not what 
typeof tests. If you believe

    |       |       |         |
Boolean  Number  String   Function

then where are boolean, number, and string? There's no Value 
(ValueObject) either.

Suppose we build a value object class (constructor/prototype) hierarchy:

    |       |       |         |        |
Boolean  Number  String   Function  Value
                  |       |       |         |      |
boolean  number  string    int64  uint64   ...

Would we be better off? Not only is there an abstract Value constructor, 
but what about double? int32? uint32?

In general we would need a semi-lattice like the one depicted here:

but without the "-ish", fixnum, and extern types, and with the concrete 
types listed above.

> That is bound to always confuse people (already: “wait – I thought a 
> function was an object”, worse with value objects).

I don't hear that typeof f == "function" confuses people -- that's JS's 
callable predicate for native (ordinary) objects. I do hear sometimes 
that people wish typeof a == "array" worked, mainly because instanceof 
doesn't work cross-frame.

Anyway, typeof 0L were to result in "object" we'd have not only 
confusion but lack of a useful value-type query operator. TC39 agreed on 
the use-case, and it upholds the (typeof x == typeof y && x == y) <=> (x 
=== y) invariant.

> But maybe it’s the best we can do.

There is no total class hierarchy describing all values in JS. If you 
think we should retrofit one, make that case.

> Being able to fix typeof null is awesome, though.

One could complain that mutating a typeof registry (map-pair) is a hack, 
but hacks sometimes are the best thing in a pinch, and I don't see a 
better way.

> 3. Also love that we’ll get 64 bit integers etc. (slide 11) and 
> user-definable value objects.
> W.r.t. to #1: Couldn’t we extend that to universal multiple dispatch?
> const removeAll = new MultiMethod();  // not a realistic example
> removeAll.addMethod(Array, Set, (arr, set) => { ... });
> removeAll.addMethod(Object, Map, (obj, map) => { ... });

You can do this with proxies and enough work. Operators are special 
forms already, so have special semantics that I'm generalizing a bit to 
be only somewhat more special-cased (the *last* special case, a general 
extension mechanism).

Much as I am a fan of dead languages with multimethods, I'd rather leave 
it at this for ES7.

> For the plus operator:
> import { operatorPlus } from '@operators';
> operatorPlus.addMethod(Point, Number, (a, b) => Point(a.x + b, a.y + b);
> operatorPlus.addMethod(Number, Point, (a, b) => Point(a + b.x, a + b.y);
> operatorPlus.addMethod(Point, Point, (a, b) => Point(a.x + b.x, a.y + 
> b.y);

This is another way of realizing Function.defineOperator. Is it worth 
the extra boilerplate? The strong reason to prefer it is to have 
operatorPlus as a function value to pass around and invoke separately on 
arbitrary values.

One could have both APIs, Function.defineOperator layered on the 
@operators API. Function.defineOperators was Christian's suggestion and 
I see the appeal: convenience for users as well as VM implementors (I've 
implemented it under the hood in SpiderMonkey's int64/uint64 patch).

domenic at (2013-08-12T05:19:26.938Z)
Axel Rauschmayer wrote:
> A bit uneasy about typeof, which will never properly express JavaScript’s “class” hierarchy.

What class hierarchy? primitives have wrappers but those are not what 
typeof tests. If you believe

    |       |       |         |
Boolean  Number  String   Function

then where are boolean, number, and string? There's no Value 
(ValueObject) either.

Suppose we build a value object class (constructor/prototype) hierarchy:

    |       |       |         |        |
Boolean  Number  String   Function  Value
                  |       |       |         |      |
boolean  number  string    int64  uint64   ...

Would we be better off? Not only is there an abstract Value constructor, 
but what about double? int32? uint32?

In general we would need a semi-lattice like the one depicted here:

but without the "-ish", fixnum, and extern types, and with the concrete 
types listed above.

> That is bound to always confuse people (already: “wait – I thought a 
> function was an object”, worse with value objects).

I don't hear that typeof f == "function" confuses people -- that's JS's 
callable predicate for native (ordinary) objects. I do hear sometimes 
that people wish typeof a == "array" worked, mainly because instanceof 
doesn't work cross-frame.

Anyway, typeof 0L were to result in "object" we'd have not only 
confusion but lack of a useful value-type query operator. TC39 agreed on 
the use-case, and it upholds the (typeof x == typeof y && x == y) <=> (x === y) invariant.

> But maybe it’s the best we can do.

There is no total class hierarchy describing all values in JS. If you 
think we should retrofit one, make that case.

> Being able to fix typeof null is awesome, though.

One could complain that mutating a typeof registry (map-pair) is a hack, 
but hacks sometimes are the best thing in a pinch, and I don't see a 
better way.

> Also love that we’ll get 64 bit integers etc. (slide 11) and 
> user-definable value objects.
> W.r.t. to #1: Couldn’t we extend that to universal multiple dispatch?
> ```js
> const removeAll = new MultiMethod();  // not a realistic example
> removeAll.addMethod(Array, Set, (arr, set) => { ... });
> removeAll.addMethod(Object, Map, (obj, map) => { ... });
> ```

You can do this with proxies and enough work. Operators are special 
forms already, so have special semantics that I'm generalizing a bit to 
be only somewhat more special-cased (the *last* special case, a general 
extension mechanism).

Much as I am a fan of dead languages with multimethods, I'd rather leave 
it at this for ES7.

> For the plus operator:
> ```js
> import { operatorPlus } from '@operators';
> operatorPlus.addMethod(Point, Number, (a, b) => Point(a.x + b, a.y + b);
> operatorPlus.addMethod(Number, Point, (a, b) => Point(a + b.x, a + b.y);
> operatorPlus.addMethod(Point, Point, (a, b) => Point(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y);
> ```

This is another way of realizing Function.defineOperator. Is it worth 
the extra boilerplate? The strong reason to prefer it is to have 
operatorPlus as a function value to pass around and invoke separately on 
arbitrary values.

One could have both APIs, Function.defineOperator layered on the 
@operators API. Function.defineOperators was Christian's suggestion and 
I see the appeal: convenience for users as well as VM implementors (I've 
implemented it under the hood in SpiderMonkey's int64/uint64 patch).