David Bruant (2013-10-18T13:17:23.000Z)
Le 18/10/2013 07:19, Angus Croll a écrit :
> I couldn't find a commitment to a specific syntax in the latest ES6 
> standard
The latest official news is in the May 2013 TC39 notes:
The final design of proxies is the "direct proxies" design. As Tom said, 
a proxy is now created doing:
     var p = Proxy(target, handler)

Proxy.create and Proxy.createFunction are aimed at disappearing.

> Gecko, chrome experimental, traceur and 'node 
> --harmony-proxies' support the Proxy.create syntax (detailed in 
> http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:proxies)
> e.g.
> var proxy = Proxy.create({
>  get: function(p, n) {
>   return 'Hello ' + n;
>  }
> });
> proxy.World //'Hello World'
On the SpiderMonkey (Gecko implements the DOM and other platform APIs 
and SpiderMonkey is the part that implement ECMAScript) side, I filed a 
bug to get rid of these as it's indeed confusing to have both APIs 
exposed in web pages:

IIRC, the V8 team had started implementing something (behind a flag), 
and then wars on Proxy design happened, so they chose to wait for the 
design to stabilize. Now may be a good time to restart

> However MDN calls the above the 'Old Proxy API'.
I'm glad I succeeded in, at least, making people wonder what that was 
all about :-)

Since I've been following closely the design of proxies, I documented 
them on MDN. Especially after the implementation of direct proxies in 
Firefox (where I moved the documentation of the previous API to its own 
page and try to explain the best I could that people should not use it). 
I'm happy to improve the doc if something isn't clear (on the feature 
itself or clarify the current technico-social mess of different APIs in 
the wild).

As a side note, to my knowledge, the only native implementation of 
direct proxies is in Firefox, but it's incomplete and has known bugs. 
You can see the known limitations and bugs here: 
("depends on" section. Bug 787710 is particularly funny :-)).

If you want to play with proxies, I think that the most 
faithful-to-the-spec implementation is Tom's polyfill: 
https://github.com/tvcutsem/harmony-reflect/blob/master/reflect.js where 
he's using the old API where available to implement the new one.

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domenic at domenicdenicola.com (2013-10-26T03:12:58.144Z)
Le 18/10/2013 07:19, Angus Croll a écrit :
> I couldn't find a commitment to a specific syntax in the latest ES6 
> standard

The latest official news is in the May 2013 TC39 notes:
The final design of proxies is the "direct proxies" design. As Tom said, 
a proxy is now created doing:

     var p = Proxy(target, handler)

Proxy.create and Proxy.createFunction are aimed at disappearing.

> Gecko, chrome experimental, traceur and 'node 
> --harmony-proxies' support the Proxy.create syntax (detailed in 
> http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:proxies)
> e.g.
> ```js
> var proxy = Proxy.create({
>  get: function(p, n) {
>   return 'Hello ' + n;
>  }
> });
> proxy.World //'Hello World'
> ```

On the SpiderMonkey (Gecko implements the DOM and other platform APIs 
and SpiderMonkey is the part that implement ECMAScript) side, I filed a 
bug to get rid of these as it's indeed confusing to have both APIs 
exposed in web pages:

IIRC, the V8 team had started implementing something (behind a flag), 
and then wars on Proxy design happened, so they chose to wait for the 
design to stabilize. Now may be a good time to restart

> However MDN calls the above the 'Old Proxy API'.

I'm glad I succeeded in, at least, making people wonder what that was 
all about :-)

Since I've been following closely the design of proxies, I documented 
them on MDN. Especially after the implementation of direct proxies in 
Firefox (where I moved the documentation of the previous API to its own 
page and try to explain the best I could that people should not use it). 
I'm happy to improve the doc if something isn't clear (on the feature 
itself or clarify the current technico-social mess of different APIs in 
the wild).

As a side note, to my knowledge, the only native implementation of 
direct proxies is in Firefox, but it's incomplete and has known bugs. 
You can see the known limitations and bugs here: 
("depends on" section. Bug 787710 is particularly funny :-)).

If you want to play with proxies, I think that the most 
faithful-to-the-spec implementation is Tom's polyfill: 
https://github.com/tvcutsem/harmony-reflect/blob/master/reflect.js where 
he's using the old API where available to implement the new one.