Angus Croll (2013-10-18T16:32:28.000Z)
Follow up question for Tom et al...

Using require('harmony-reflect')....

var t = {a:3, c:4};
var p = Proxy(
    get: function() {},
    delete: function(t,x) {
      delete t.a;
delete p.c
p; //{a:3}
t; //{a:3}

the console.log is not called and deleting is not trapped.
Am I doing something wrong?


On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 12:33 AM, Tom Van Cutsem < at> wrote:

> Proxy.create and Proxy.createFunction are deprecated.
> The correct syntax is `new Proxy(target, handler)`
> In my original direct proxies proposal, the `new` was optional, so that
> `var p = Proxy(target, handler)` works equally well (cf. <
> Since then, it seems people want to move away from implicit construction
> (since it doesn't interact well with class inheritance), so I don't know if
> there is still consensus on this.
> In the prototype Firefox implementation, `new` is currently mandatory.
> Regards,
> Tom
> 2013/10/18 Angus Croll <anguscroll at>
>>  I couldn't find a commitment to a specific syntax in the latest ES6
>> standard
>> Gecko, chrome experimental, traceur and 'node --harmony-proxies' support
>> the Proxy.create syntax (detailed in
>> e.g.
>> var proxy = Proxy.create({
>>  get: function(p, n) {
>>   return 'Hello ' + n;
>>  }
>> });
>> proxy.World //'Hello World'
>> However MDN calls the above the 'Old Proxy API'.
>> Gecko also supports what MDN indicates implies is the current Proxy
>>  syntax (i.e. new Proxy)
>> e.g.
>> var p = new Proxy(
>>   {},
>>   {get: function(p,x) {
>>     return 'Hello ' + x
>>   }}
>> );
>> p.World; //'Hello World'
>> Which is right?
>> thanks
>> @angustweets
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domenic at (2013-10-26T03:14:06.656Z)
Follow up question for Tom et al...

Using `require('harmony-reflect')`....

var t = {a:3, c:4};
var p = Proxy(
    get: function() {},
    delete: function(t,x) {
      delete t.a;
delete p.c
p; //{a:3}
t; //{a:3}

the console.log is not called and deleting is not trapped.
Am I doing something wrong?