Angus Croll (2013-10-18T17:24:22.000Z)
thanks André that works!

(I was going by which
says 'delete')


On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 9:38 AM, André Bargull <andre.bargull at>wrote:

>  Follow up question for Tom et al...
>> Using require('harmony-reflect')....
>> var t = {a:3, c:4};
>> var p = Proxy(
>>    t,
>>    {
>>      get: function() {},
>>      delete: function(t,x) {
>>        console.log('deleting');
>>        delete t.a;
>>      }
>>    }
>> );
>> delete p.c
>> p; //{a:3}
>> t; //{a:3}
>> the console.log is not called and deleting is not trapped.
>> Am I doing something wrong?
> The trap name for the `delete` operator is "deleteProperty" instead of
> "delete"...
>> @angustweets
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domenic at (2013-10-26T03:14:59.729Z)
thanks André that works!

(I was going by which
says 'delete')