Nathan Wall (2013-11-01T13:05:30.000Z)
> Finalized spec or finalized implementations? 
> A lot of things are already being implemented (with varying levels of 
> conformance, of course) in latest versions of engines (from browsers to 
> node) — 
> -- 
> kangax 

Yes, thanks, I'm aware of that.  Of course there's a "use at your own risk" understanding. I've even implemented a simple transpiler at my work place so that we can start using things that I'm pretty sure are going to be in like rest params, spread operator, destructuring... but it's hard to convince everyone this is a good idea since the spec is not finalized and things can change from under your feet (we all remember ES4).

So I'm asking about the spec itself.

domenic at (2013-11-12T17:23:24.449Z)
Yes, thanks, I'm aware of that.  Of course there's a "use at your own risk" understanding. I've even implemented a simple transpiler at my work place so that we can start using things that I'm pretty sure are going to be in like rest params, spread operator, destructuring... but it's hard to convince everyone this is a good idea since the spec is not finalized and things can change from under your feet (we all remember ES4).

So I'm asking about the spec itself.