Boris Zbarsky (2013-11-11T19:59:08.000Z)
On 11/11/13 2:47 PM, Oliver Hunt wrote:
> Alas in addition to assuming that the Arguments object does not have the Array prototype, ExtJS also relies on the Array prototype not containing a property named values.
> So, it seems that we’ll need to remove .values from the Array prototype.


Just to check, have you read the existing threads on the topic and on 
possible proposed solutions?  Starting at for 
example, and I'm pretty sure it's been discussed since as well...

domenic at (2013-11-12T19:39:42.623Z)
Just to check, have you read the existing threads on the topic and on 
possible proposed solutions?  Starting at for 
example, and I'm pretty sure it's been discussed since as well...