Oliver Hunt (2013-11-11T20:06:01.000Z)
Apparently i missed that thread entirely

Something i pondered before just removing .values () (that SM has already done) was essentially adding yet another property mode, essentially “ignore in |with|”.  It’s technically fairly heavyweight, but it would resolve the general problem of libraries using with(), despite the years of being told not to.


On Nov 11, 2013, at 11:59 AM, Boris Zbarsky <bzbarsky at mit.edu> wrote:

> On 11/11/13 2:47 PM, Oliver Hunt wrote:
>> Alas in addition to assuming that the Arguments object does not have the Array prototype, ExtJS also relies on the Array prototype not containing a property named values.
>> So, it seems that we’ll need to remove .values from the Array prototype.
> Oliver,
> Just to check, have you read the existing threads on the topic and on possible proposed solutions?  Starting at https://mail.mozilla.org/pipermail/es-discuss/2013-June/031390.html for example, and I'm pretty sure it's been discussed since as well...
> -Boris
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domenic at domenicdenicola.com (2013-11-12T19:40:10.620Z)
Apparently i missed that thread entirely

Something i pondered before just removing .values () (that SM has already done) was essentially adding yet another property mode, essentially “ignore in |with|”.  It’s technically fairly heavyweight, but it would resolve the general problem of libraries using with(), despite the years of being told not to.