David Herman (2013-11-17T22:09:57.000Z)
On Nov 17, 2013, at 11:59 AM, Axel Rauschmayer <axel at rauschma.de> wrote:

> On Nov 17, 2013, at 6:14 , David Herman <dherman at mozilla.com> wrote:
>>> Does this imply <module src=""> ?
>> Works either way, inline or external. (Requiring src="" is one of the reasons why <script async> was a non-starter.)
> Is the value of `src` a module ID or a path? How about when packages are used (for bundling)? Is there a way to combine module IDs and packages?

For the most part the answer to these kinds of questions is that we support "all of the above," but I'd like to wait just a little bit longer before getting into details. Right now we've been focusing on providing a complete base (reflective) layer via the Loader API, which is what will be in ECMA-262; the rest is an HTML spec. (We are thinking through what pieces are necessary for the <module> tag to ensure we haven't missed anything in the Loader API.) I'm focused on getting ES6 out the door, but the next step after that is to start fleshing out the <module> spec.

domenic at domenicdenicola.com (2013-11-22T17:48:14.436Z)
On Nov 17, 2013, at 11:59 AM, Axel Rauschmayer <axel at rauschma.de> wrote:
> Is the value of `src` a module ID or a path? How about when packages are used (for bundling)? Is there a way to combine module IDs and packages?

For the most part the answer to these kinds of questions is that we support "all of the above," but I'd like to wait just a little bit longer before getting into details. Right now we've been focusing on providing a complete base (reflective) layer via the Loader API, which is what will be in ECMA-262; the rest is an HTML spec. (We are thinking through what pieces are necessary for the <module> tag to ensure we haven't missed anything in the Loader API.) I'm focused on getting ES6 out the door, but the next step after that is to start fleshing out the <module> spec.