Brendan Eich (2014-01-28T23:30:43.000Z)
Andreas Rossberg wrote:
>> `flatMap`
>> ...
> The V8 implementation provides it under the name `chain', with the
> obvious semantics.

+1 on chain as name, not flatMap, but Haskell'ers should weigh in. Wait, 
no. :-P

domenic at (2014-02-04T16:10:29.911Z)
+1 on chain as name, not flatMap, but Haskell'ers should weigh in. Wait, 
no. :-P
forbes at (2014-01-29T00:42:34.557Z)
+1 on chain as name, not flatMap, but Haskell'ers should weigh in. Wait, 
no. :