Kevin Smith (2014-02-13T14:46:05.000Z)
I'm not sure to what extent this has been discussed previously, but I think
we should consider merging relationships and bind syntax.

The relationships strawman introduces two new built-in symbols:  @geti and
@seti.  I will instead use the more descriptive names:
 `Symbol.referenceGet` and `Symbol.referenceSet`.

The basic idea is that arbitrary objects can be used as the "referenced
name" in a Reference object.  When GetValue or PutValue is called on those
kinds of reference objects, behavior is delegated to the functions defined
on the "reference name" object at the appropriate symbol.  If the required
method is not defined on the name object, then an exception is thrown.

The operator "::" creates such a reference object.

The following code should illustrate the idea:

    Function.prototype[Symbol.referenceGet] = function(target) { return
this };

    Map.prototype[Symbol.referenceGet] = function(target) {

        while (target !== null) {

            if (this.has(target))
                return this.get(target);

            target = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);

        return void 0;

    Map.prototype[Symbol.referenceSet] = Map.prototype.set;

    // Using a Map as a set of internal fields:
    var obj = {};
    var field = new Map;

    obj::field = "value";
    obj::field; // "value"

    // Using a function as an extension method:
    function f() { return this.x; }

    obj.x = "abc";
    obj::f(); // "abc";
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domenic at (2014-02-18T04:38:35.826Z)
I'm not sure to what extent this has been discussed previously, but I think
we should consider merging relationships and bind syntax.

The relationships strawman introduces two new built-in symbols:  @geti and
@seti.  I will instead use the more descriptive names:
 `Symbol.referenceGet` and `Symbol.referenceSet`.

The basic idea is that arbitrary objects can be used as the "referenced
name" in a Reference object.  When GetValue or PutValue is called on those
kinds of reference objects, behavior is delegated to the functions defined
on the "reference name" object at the appropriate symbol.  If the required
method is not defined on the name object, then an exception is thrown.

The operator "::" creates such a reference object.

The following code should illustrate the idea:

    Function.prototype[Symbol.referenceGet] = function(target) { return this };

    Map.prototype[Symbol.referenceGet] = function(target) {

        while (target !== null) {

            if (this.has(target))
                return this.get(target);

            target = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);

        return void 0;

    Map.prototype[Symbol.referenceSet] = Map.prototype.set;

    // Using a Map as a set of internal fields:
    var obj = {};
    var field = new Map;

    obj::field = "value";
    obj::field; // "value"

    // Using a function as an extension method:
    function f() { return this.x; }

    obj.x = "abc";
    obj::f(); // "abc";