Brendan Eich (2014-02-21T19:49:58.000Z)
Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
>> 1. Array.from already produces sparse arrays from array-likes:
>> Array.from({ 0: 1, 2: 2, length: 3 }); // [1,,2]
>> So why it doesn't from sparse arrays?
> Perhaps, this is an inconsistency that should be corrected by changing 
> the spec. to produce [1,2,undefined] in the above case.

No way. The object has length 3 and index 2 has value 2. Why in the 
world would Array.from re-index?

> The current definition was derived from the legacy algorithms such as 
> A,p.slice which preserve holes.  But as the current consensus is 
> Array.from does not preserve hole for Iterable arrays then perhaps is 
> also should preserve them for non-iterable array-likes,

"also should not"?

At the last TC39 meeting, we agreed holes are freakish and should be 
discounted in designing new APIs like Array.from (I think; I may be 
overstating slightly, but that's the effect).

Whatever we do, we should be consistent among sparse arrays and sparse 
arraylikes, it seems to me. Want a bug?

>> 2. Array.from can't be used as generic plain array copy producer.
> When this was most recently discussed at [1] the case was made that in 
> JS sparseness is seldom what anybody actually wants, hence the current 
> Array.from behavior will be what's desired most of the time.  Do you 
> have any real world use cases in mind that are driving the desire for 
> Array.from to preserve sparseness?

Use-cases for sparse arrays + copying them would be really helpful.

domenic at (2014-03-02T22:41:14.123Z)
Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

> Perhaps, this is an inconsistency that should be corrected by changing 
> the spec. to produce `[1,2,undefined]` in the above case.

No way. The object has length 3 and index 2 has value 2. Why in the 
world would Array.from re-index?

> The current definition was derived from the legacy algorithms such as 
> A,p.slice which preserve holes.  But as the current consensus is 
> Array.from does not preserve hole for Iterable arrays then perhaps is 
> also should preserve them for non-iterable array-likes,

"also should not"?

At the last TC39 meeting, we agreed holes are freakish and should be 
discounted in designing new APIs like Array.from (I think; I may be 
overstating slightly, but that's the effect).

Whatever we do, we should be consistent among sparse arrays and sparse 
arraylikes, it seems to me. Want a bug?

> When this was most recently discussed at [1] the case was made that in 
> JS sparseness is seldom what anybody actually wants, hence the current 
> Array.from behavior will be what's desired most of the time.  Do you 
> have any real world use cases in mind that are driving the desire for 
> Array.from to preserve sparseness?

Use-cases for sparse arrays + copying them would be really helpful.