Jason Orendorff (2014-06-12T18:31:57.000Z)
On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 1:30 PM, Jason Orendorff
<jason.orendorff at gmail.com> wrote:
> I *really* wish we just had an @@new for this, such that
>     new C(...args)
> is just shorthand for
>    C[Symbol.new](...args)
> and the construct trap could be removed from proxies altogether.  :-|

I forgot to add: then the rare code that really wants to ask "is x a
constructor?" can say
    if (x[Symbol.new] !== undefined) ...
like Array.from does for @@iterator.

domenic at domenicdenicola.com (2014-06-20T19:34:33.602Z)
I forgot to add: then the rare code that really wants to ask "is x a
constructor?" can say

    if (x[Symbol.new] !== undefined) ...

like Array.from does for @@iterator.