Juan Ignacio Dopazo (2014-06-16T13:28:13.000Z)
>On Monday, June 16, 2014 12:33 AM, Axel Rauschmayer <axel at rauschma.de> wrote:
>**Single-export modules.** Still missing is support for single-export modules, which could be added as follows (the keyword `default` instead of the asterisk works just as well, in my opinion).

You're being confused by CommonJS. ES6 modules don't have "single-export modules". All modules can have multiple exports. And all modules can have a specially named export called "default" which allows you to skip the curly brackets.


// foo.js
export default function () { // anonymous function

// bar.js
import answer from 'foo'; // I can give whatever name I want to the default export
answer(); // 42

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dignifiedquire at gmail.com (2014-06-17T18:17:37.561Z)
> On Monday, June 16, 2014 12:33 AM, Axel Rauschmayer <axel at rauschma.de> wrote:
> **Single-export modules.** Still missing is support for single-export modules, which could be added as follows (the keyword `default` instead of the asterisk works just as well, in my opinion).

You're being confused by CommonJS. ES6 modules don't have "single-export modules". All modules can have multiple exports. And all modules can have a specially named export called "default" which allows you to skip the curly brackets.

// foo.js
export default function () { // anonymous function

// bar.js
import answer from 'foo'; // I can give whatever name I want to the default export
answer(); // 42
