David Herman (2014-06-18T00:28:37.000Z)
This was brought up on specifiction:


Does anyone know why it was left out of the first version of the Intl API? Just for lack of time? Is it planned for the next edition? Are there tricky issues around standardizing IANA time zones, or around incompatibilities between different OSes?

Interesting questions in that thread about what to do about time zone changes. An event for time zone changes seems important, but we don't currently have any precedent for standard library events in ECMAScript. Maybe that remains the purview of web APIs. But if we do expose the TZ via a standard API, it should have some way of dynamically querying the current TZ rather than just fixing the time zone at some random point in time.

domenic at domenicdenicola.com (2014-06-26T15:47:10.424Z)
This was brought up [on Specifiction](http://discourse.specifiction.org/t/navigator-timezone/152).

Does anyone know why it was left out of the first version of the Intl API? Just for lack of time? Is it planned for the next edition? Are there tricky issues around standardizing IANA time zones, or around incompatibilities between different OSes?

Interesting questions in that thread about what to do about time zone changes. An event for time zone changes seems important, but we don't currently have any precedent for standard library events in ECMAScript. Maybe that remains the purview of web APIs. But if we do expose the TZ via a standard API, it should have some way of dynamically querying the current TZ rather than just fixing the time zone at some random point in time.