Andrea Giammarchi (2014-06-18T03:59:22.000Z)
This is upside down in my opinion ... Me, as a service, would like yo
notify you based on where you are. You as a user with a specific
timezone in mind can always ask for it explicitly ... I'm thinking
about navigations based on your location, not something easy to
polifill client side only via some Date instance. You know what i mean?
Painfull either way, but more painful if i have to guess on JS side
where the hack are you and what's the time in there, despite your OS
based one. Maybe these two can coexist ?

Sent from my Windows Phone From: Norbert Lindenberg
Sent: ‎6/‎17/‎2014 19:27
To: Andrea Giammarchi
Cc: Norbert Lindenberg; Domenic Denicola; es-discuss
Subject: Re: exposing system time zone
The time zone the user wants to use, and therefore sets in the OS, is
not always tied to the current location. For example, on a flight from
San Francisco to Frankfurt I care about Pacific Time and Central
European Time, but not the other time zones I fly over. There are also
locations for which there is no well-defined mapping to a time zone,
e.g., disputed border areas or regions where different population
groups use different time zones.


On Jun 17, 2014, at 18:00 , Andrea Giammarchi
<andrea.giammarchi at> wrote:

> without reinventing the wheel or changing it, I think timezone is very close to geolocation so why not
> navigator.geolocation.getTimeZone(success, error)
> asd
> navigator.geolocation.watchTimeZone(success, error)
> ?
> On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 5:31 PM, Domenic Denicola <domenic at> wrote:
> > Interesting questions in that thread about what to do about time zone changes. An event for time zone changes seems important, but we don't currently have any precedent for standard library events in ECMAScript.
> Object.observe change records? A synthetic change event seems perfect for this use case.
> (Related, although not what I'm suggesting above: "Evented Programming" header.)
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domenic at (2014-06-26T15:47:36.256Z)
This is upside down in my opinion ... Me, as a service, would like yo
notify you based on where you are. You as a user with a specific
timezone in mind can always ask for it explicitly ... I'm thinking
about navigations based on your location, not something easy to
polifill client side only via some Date instance. You know what i mean?
Painfull either way, but more painful if i have to guess on JS side
where the hack are you and what's the time in there, despite your OS
based one. Maybe these two can coexist ?