Katelyn Gadd (2014-07-30T11:31:53.000Z)
domenic at domenicdenicola.com (2014-08-07T15:58:06.780Z)
History has shown that native code developers concerned with performance (game devs, graphics devs, etc) will happily use approximations of these special functions when performance is important, and will pick approximations with suitable accuracy. The inverse we have here, where the builtins have unpredictable precision, requires developers to test on various os/browser combinations to figure out whether they have precision issues, and if they do, try to find an accurate high-precision sw implementation of these builtins and use that. I think this will lead to a lot of unreliable software out there on the web, and worse, lead to existing apps breaking when new browser releases reduce precision/accuracy. If there's a strong desire for high-performance builtin sin, cos, etc it could be reasonable to add Math.fastCos etc but I feel like most developers would feel safer with approximations that have known characteristics, so you should encourage that instead.