Rick Waldron (2014-08-06T19:25:42.000Z)
On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 3:03 PM, Brendan Eich <brendan at mozilla.org> wrote:

> Rick Waldron wrote:
>>     I'm cool with super() in methods, I forgot we disallowed naked
>>     `super`, and my gut says we would support it as equivalent to `this`.
>> To clarify, you don't mean `super === this`, right?
> The alternative is for bare `super` to denote the same-named superclass
> method bound to `this`. That enables the equivalence Allen wrote based on
> Brett's error citation:
>     let superSubmit2 = super; // Error: "Unexpected token ;"
>     superSubmit2(); // if no Error, this is equivalent to super()
> But that breaks the other equivalence:
>     super.method();  ====  do { let s = super; s.method(); }
> So you can see why bare `super` is currently illegal! (Want a better error
> message than the one Brett showed.)

Yes, this is/was all clear (and I stand on the side of keeping bare super
illegal), I was just curious about what your gut was saying ;)

Agree that a more explicit early error would be ideal.

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domenic at domenicdenicola.com (2014-08-15T22:38:59.669Z)
Yes, this is/was all clear (and I stand on the side of keeping bare super
illegal), I was just curious about what your gut was saying ;)

Agree that a more explicit early error would be ideal.