Kevin Smith (2014-08-19T13:21:15.000Z)
> // the same, advancing to the first `yield` at instantiation
> class echo2 extends echo {
>     construct(...args) {
>         let iter = super(...args)
>         return iter
>     }
> }

Nice pattern!  Would this also work?

    var skipFirst = genFn => function*(...args) {
        var iter = genFn(...args);;
        yield * iter;

    var echo2 = skipFirst(echo);

If we have decorators, then we can write:

    function echo() { /*_*/ }

which is fairly pleasant.

Still, it seems like we're papering over a hole.  In principle, why
shouldn't we be able to access the first next argument?
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domenic at (2014-08-26T18:22:29.846Z)
> ```js
> // the same, advancing to the first `yield` at instantiation
> class echo2 extends echo {
>     construct(...args) {
>         let iter = super(...args)
>         return iter
>     }
> }
> ```

Nice pattern!  Would this also work?

    var skipFirst = genFn => function*(...args) {
        var iter = genFn(...args);;
        yield * iter;

    var echo2 = skipFirst(echo);

If we have decorators, then we can write:

    function echo() { /*_*/ }

which is fairly pleasant.

Still, it seems like we're papering over a hole.  In principle, why
shouldn't we be able to access the first next argument?