Allen Wirfs-Brock (2014-08-25T15:43:56.000Z)
domenic at (2014-09-08T23:29:33.332Z)
At: - Fixed scoping bug in for-of, catch clause, comprehensions WRT TDZ for iteration bindings. see bug: - For-in/for-of loop bodies can’t contain tail calls because of need to close the iterator on abrupt completion. - [[OwnPropertyKeys]] now returns a List rather than an Array - Tests of @@isRegExp are now based on ToBoolean(Get(obj, @@isRegExp) - Array find/findIndex no longer ignore array element holes. - Added %IteratorPrototype% that all built-in iterators inherit from. - Destructoring now performs ToObject on values to be destructured. - Array and generator comprehensions removed from language - Removed specification of Reflect.Realm - Object.assign ignores null and undefined source arguments - Added 16.1 that lists forbidden extensions. - Some editorial cleanup of Function.prototype.toString - Removed all explicit poison pill methods on functions (except for Function.prototype) and added 16.1 restrictions on such extensions. - String(aSymbol) now returns the symbol’s description. Does not change ToString(symbol) throwing ever where else. - aSymbol == Object(aSymbol) now is true, just like other wrapable primitives, see bug: - Tighten specification of when Array.prototype.sort is implementation defined - Revised @@unscopable semantics as per last TC39 meeting - Made it an error to reentrantly enter a generator via next/throw/return. - Further work on semantics of Generator return method in the context of yield* - The term “neutered” has been replaced with the term “detached” - Resolved bugs: 3142-3140, 3135-3133, 3131, 3128-3124, 3122-3120, 3117, 3115, 3111-3107, 3105, 3103-3098, 3096-3095, 3093-3092, 3090-3089, 3087-3082, 3080-3062, 3060-3016, 3012-3011, 3005, 2987, 2979, 2831, 2389, 2368, 1908, 523, 516, 513, 407, 91