Domenic Denicola (2014-10-05T00:52:52.000Z)
From: es-discuss [mailto:es-discuss-bounces at] On Behalf Of Dmitry Soshnikov

> Thanks, done.

This seems less useful than adding and %IteratorPrototype.filter. It also clarifies some of the confusion about whether you are changing the values, keys, or entries (since you would need to specify explicitly).

Unless I'm missing something (quite possible!), I would prefer not to add new methods to Map and Set when they could be added to %IteratorPrototype%.
forbes at (2016-02-01T12:54:36.352Z)
> Thanks, done.

This seems less useful than adding `` and `%IteratorPrototype.filter`. It also clarifies some of the confusion about whether you are changing the values, keys, or entries (since you would need to specify explicitly).

Unless I'm missing something (quite possible!), I would prefer not to add new methods to Map and Set when they could be added to `%IteratorPrototype%`.