Brendan Eich (2014-10-06T16:55:42.000Z)
Caffeinating still, obvious bugfix below:

Brendan Eich wrote:
> ```js
> Object.defineProperty(%CollectionPrototype%, 'map', {
>     value: function (fun) {
>         let result = new this.constructor();
>         for (let [key, val] of this) {
>             result.set(key, val); 

             result.set(key, fun(val, key));

I call the mapfun in these examples with (val, key) -- could use the 
e-i-c convention from the Array extras but I was in a hurry (wherefore 
this bug).

forbes at (2016-02-01T14:20:27.152Z)
Caffeinating still, obvious bugfix below:

Brendan Eich wrote:
> ```js
> result.set(key, val); 
> ```

result.set(key, fun(val, key));

I call the mapfun in these examples with (val, key) -- could use the 
e-i-c convention from the Array extras but I was in a hurry (wherefore 
this bug).