Andrea Giammarchi (2014-12-16T23:40:49.000Z)
do these strings come from a database or not?
If so, how are you storing strings in such database, via static back-tick
analysis or via just a textarea?
'cause in the second case you are good to go via multiline strings but in
the first one I'm having hard time trying to figure out your real-world use

You are statically using ES6 template strings somewhere you'd like to store
in the database or ... what?

Thanks for any further explanation

On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 5:49 PM, Matthew Robb <matthewwrobb at>
> On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 12:35 PM, Andrea Giammarchi <
> andrea.giammarchi at> wrote:
>> So what is exactly the issue with 'Hello ${first_name}'.template({first_name:
>> "John"}) ?
> ​The BIGGEST issue with it is you can ONLY do single line strings.​
> - Matthew Robb
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d at (2014-12-19T22:54:00.657Z)
do these strings come from a database or not?
If so, how are you storing strings in such database, via static back-tick
analysis or via just a textarea?
'cause in the second case you are good to go via multiline strings but in
the first one I'm having hard time trying to figure out your real-world use

You are statically using ES6 template strings somewhere you'd like to store
in the database or ... what?

Thanks for any further explanation