Felix Kling (2015-02-02T16:21:29.000Z)
With ES6 having a production rule "Declaration" and ES5 having 
"FunctionDeclaration", I'm curious why a variable declaration (as we 
say), officially "VariableStatement", has not been originally defined as 
a declaration (back then).

Would you consider it to be a declaration today if we didn't need 
backwards compatibility? Or is there another reason that requires it to 
be a statement?

Thank you!
d at domenic.me (2015-02-13T23:51:39.232Z)
With ES6 having a production rule "Declaration" and ES5 having 
"FunctionDeclaration", I'm curious why a variable declaration (as we 
say), officially "VariableStatement", has not been originally defined as 
a declaration (back then).

Would you consider it to be a declaration today if we didn't need 
backwards compatibility? Or is there another reason that requires it to 
be a statement?