Allen Wirfs-Brock (2015-02-12T21:32:20.000Z)
The lastest ES6 draft (Rev 33, Feb. 12, 2015) is now available  at 
 Changes include:

Refactoring of module abstract operations to support module loader specifications
Additional runtime declaration error checks for non-strict evals (bugs 3410, 3383, 2853)
Added early error for super() in non-derived class constructors
Added an early error for super property accesses in function/generator declarations/expressions
Tweaks to for-in/of grammar to resolve shift/reduce conflict and eliminated an unnecessary look-ahead restriction
new and super() expressions can’t be tail calls because they have post return processing
Array destructuring stops calling next on its iterator once done state is reached. Only calls return method if iterator isn’t exhausted
Function bind now propagates the target function’s [[Prototype]] rather than setting the [[Prototype]] of all bound functions to Function.prototype
Resolved bugs: 3843, 3841-3819, 3816-3813, 3811-3810, 3808, 3806-3805, 3793, 3791, 3788-3784, 3782-3760, 3758-3754, 3752, 3745-3738, 3736-3726, 3693, 3687, 3684-3683, 3619, 3607, 3595, 3577, 3575, 3503, 3410, 3383, 2853, 2768, 2606, 2437, 1601

Note that this is the last draft planed for the 1st release candidate draft which is schedule for Feb. 20, 2015

Please try to get your bug reports submitted by Wed. Feb 18 using 

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d at (2015-02-17T17:50:55.581Z)
The lastest ES6 draft (Rev 33, Feb. 12, 2015) is now available  at 
 Changes include:

- Refactoring of module abstract operations to support module loader specifications
- Additional runtime declaration error checks for non-strict evals (bugs 3410, 3383, 2853)
- Added early error for super() in non-derived class constructors
- Added an early error for super property accesses in function/generator declarations/expressions
- Tweaks to for-in/of grammar to resolve shift/reduce conflict and eliminated an unnecessary look-ahead restriction
- new and super() expressions can’t be tail calls because they have post return processing
- Array destructuring stops calling next on its iterator once done state is reached. Only calls return method if iterator isn’t exhausted
- Function bind now propagates the target function’s [[Prototype]] rather than setting the [[Prototype]] of all bound functions to Function.prototype
- Resolved bugs: 3843, 3841-3819, 3816-3813, 3811-3810, 3808, 3806-3805, 3793, 3791, 3788-3784, 3782-3760, 3758-3754, 3752, 3745-3738, 3736-3726, 3693, 3687, 3684-3683, 3619, 3607, 3595, 3577, 3575, 3503, 3410, 3383, 2853, 2768, 2606, 2437, 1601

Note that this is the last draft planed for the 1st release candidate draft which is schedule for Feb. 20, 2015

Please try to get your bug reports submitted by Wed. Feb 18 using