Salvador de la Puente González (2015-02-23T19:36:45.000Z)
El 23/02/2015 20:29, "Brendan Eich" <brendan at> escribió:
> Benjamin (Inglor) Gruenbaum wrote:
>> Of course this example is contrived! It's the simplest example I could
think of. I do think it stands for every example of any iterator that takes
any input from `.send` or `.throw`. I have plenty of other contrived
examples (implementing `fork` like this by using generators for coroutines
with promises is at least mildly cool).
> I <3 fork, Unix kid here. Still, agree here:

In the other post I mentioned just this case. I was writing a transpiler
for a programming language that uses some sort of clone {} block acting
like a fork() where the child process executes the code inside the block
but the parent not.

A goto() for generators or a clone() method could simplify the transpilled
code as now I'm using switchs statements.

>> That said I absolutely agree that more practical examples are required
in order to make this already way-powerful two way protocol into something
even more complicated.
> Another consideration beyond just the needs-justification language
power-up -- the implementation burden goes up too. You're talking about
cloning an activation. Easy in the unoptimized world of generators today,
not so much in the future.
> It may be worth it, but we need to feel the "back-pressure" from
developers using generators, first.
> Can developers use conventions and APIs to implement `clone` today? I.e.,
> Object.defineProperty(function*(){}.prototype.__proto__, 'clone', {value:
XXX, writable: true, configurable: true, enumerable: false});
> What would have to go in the XXX that's self-hostable, and how would
generators that participate have to be written?

This is what I was trying to find. Some way of copying without altering
client function.

Let's see.

> /be
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d at (2015-03-06T00:38:13.411Z)
El 23/02/2015 20:29, "Brendan Eich" <brendan at> escribió:

> What would have to go in the XXX that's self-hostable, and how would generators that participate have to be written?

This is what I was trying to find. Some way of copying without altering
client function.

Let's see.