Domenic Denicola (2015-03-18T02:32:00.000Z)
Yeah, this seems like a shoe-in for ES7. It will probably be able to advance through the stages very quickly given that it already has three (four?) shipping implementations.

Someone just needs to write up a formal spec (using Ecmarkdown! ^_^) and test262 tests. The only snag would be if you find non-interoperable behavior between browsers in the course of writing those tests, and need to get some patches accepted before you can reach stage 4.

From: es-discuss [mailto:es-discuss-bounces at] On Behalf Of Dmitry Soshnikov
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 05:02
To: Tab Atkins Jr.
Cc: es-discuss
Subject: Re: String.prototype.trimRight/trimLeft

Right, so from the several feedback I had so far, it seems it will make sense just to add to ES7? In this case we'll be able to polyfill now, the spec'ing it will be trivial (I'll add the spec).

I guess we just need to confirm it's good to go to ES7?


On Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 12:21 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. <jackalmage at<mailto:jackalmage at>> wrote:
On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 11:07 PM, Leon Arnott <leonarnott at<mailto:leonarnott at>> wrote:
> I believe opinion hasn't shifted since it was discussed
> [previously](
> - in short, "show me the cowpath". (But, I've just learned that the IE
> Technical Preview now supports trimLeft/trimRight, so there'll soon be
> support for it in all the major engines. Maybe the cows are there after
> all.)
I use both lstrip() and rstrip() in Bikeshed (a Python project):

In particular, lstrip() is used when I'm separating a key and value; I
don't want to mess with the value much at all, just pull off the
whitespace at the start.  rstrip() is used when I know I don't need to
strip from the left side, because I'm just pulling off newlines or
something, so might as well let the program avoid even trying.


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d at (2015-03-26T17:21:06.499Z)
Yeah, this seems like a shoe-in for ES7. It will probably be able to advance through the stages very quickly given that it already has three (four?) shipping implementations.

Someone just needs to write up a formal spec (using Ecmarkdown! ^_^) and test262 tests. The only snag would be if you find non-interoperable behavior between browsers in the course of writing those tests, and need to get some patches accepted before you can reach stage 4.