Caitlin Potter (2015-04-21T01:52:03.000Z)
d at (2015-05-01T13:03:06.086Z)
I don’t think the accessor case does work. `ownDesc` never refers to the property descriptor of the receiver when O[P] is a SuperReference, so if there’s an `this.prop` is an accessor, and `super.prop` doesn’t exist, the data descriptor path is taken.
caitpotter88 at (2015-04-21T01:53:32.508Z)
>>If the prop property accessed by super.prop is an accessor, super.prop = x; should invoke its setter. super.prop should invoke its getter. >It does. This is about what happens when that property is a data property doesn't exist. What happens when we do [[HomeObject]].[[GetPrototypeOf]]().[[Set]]('prop', x, this) I don’t think the accessor case does work. `ownDesc` never refers to the property descriptor of the receiver when O[P] is a SuperReference, so if there’s an `this.prop` is an accessor, and `super.prop` doesn’t exist, the data descriptor path is taken.