André Bargull (2015-05-14T22:39:41.000Z)
> On May 14, 2015, at 12:40 PM, Alexander Jones wrote:
> > Ah, thanks for explaining! What about the Temporal Dead Zone of let, or const binding semantics, 
> for those of us who are obsessive enough to desire that kind of thing everywhere?
> ES6 specifies that function declarations are allowed in blocks in both strict and nn-strict mode.  
> In both cases they are block scoped and have essentially the same semantics (including a TDZ) as a 
> let declaration.

There is no TDZ for block-scoped function declarations. Function declarations are basically hoisted 
to the top of the block.

- André
d at (2015-06-01T18:11:12.004Z)
> On May 14, 2015, at 12:40 PM, Alexander Jones wrote:

> ES6 specifies that function declarations are allowed in blocks in both strict and nn-strict mode.  
> In both cases they are block scoped and have essentially the same semantics (including a TDZ) as a 
> let declaration.

There is no TDZ for block-scoped function declarations. Function declarations are basically hoisted 
to the top of the block.