Mark Miller (2015-06-10T17:48:18.000Z)
Independent of the current issue, I just want to go on record stating that
dynamically scoped variables are a "cure" worse than any disease we might
think to apply them to. Avoid at all costs.

On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 8:44 AM, C. Scott Ananian <ecmascript at>

> I don't agree that @@species is useful at all for changing constructor
> signatures, since there is no closure argument.
> If we had dynamically scoped variables, then:
> ```
>   LabelledPromise[Symbol.species] = function() { return
> LabelledPromise.bind(label/*dynamically scoped*/); };
>   function() {
>     let label = "foo";
>     return LabelledPromise.resolve(x);
>   }
> ```
> would indeed be very interesting.  But in the absence of some sort of
> closure, the only way you can make @@species into a custom constructor is
> for odd special cases where you are just rearranging deck chairs.
> Why not:
>  ```
> class LabelledPromise {
>   constructor(exec, label) {
>     super(exec);
>     this.label = label === undefined ? "<derived promise>" : label;
>   }
> }
> ```
>   --scott
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d at (2015-06-16T16:45:42.086Z)
Independent of the current issue, I just want to go on record stating that
dynamically scoped variables are a "cure" worse than any disease we might
think to apply them to. Avoid at all costs.