Jordan Harband (2015-06-17T17:54:53.000Z)
Could I not use `Object(Symbol.for('some global registry symbol'))` as a
`WeakMap` key? That would return a realm-specific object, of course.

On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 10:19 AM, Benjamin Gruenbaum <inglor at>

> > congratulations and THANK YOU! I learned something important reading
> your messages. The notion that we can preserve non-observability when
> making one thing a WeakMap iff we make all other WeakMaps be strong for
> those same objects is true, novel, and very surprising. I have been working
> on such concepts for decades and never come across anything like it.
> I apologize, I understand the problem with a weak registry forcing
> observable garbage collection in user code - that's nice but isn't this
> always the case with references to objects when an object pool/flyweight is
> used?
> Isn't this the same issue as `==` working on strings that have string
> objects interned but possibly GC'd (and precisely why Java never collects
> interned strings)?
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d at (2015-07-07T01:39:35.147Z)
Could I not use `Object(Symbol.for('some global registry symbol'))` as a
`WeakMap` key? That would return a realm-specific object, of course.