Bob Myers (2015-07-16T13:21:54.000Z)
d at (2015-07-25T02:54:29.895Z)
With all "do" respect, none of this syntax tinkering makes any sense to me. I've been programming JS for 15 years and never noticed I needed a try block that returns a value. Long ago I programmed in a language called AED that had valued blockl, which I was quite fond of, but never felt the need for that in JS for whatever reason. For looping over something and getting both the index and the element, forEach does just fine for me; exiting in the middle of the loop is an edge case. When I want to use `for`, it never bothered me to say `let elt = arr[i];`. What we need are powerful, simple, generic, clean notions that work together to provide building blocks to allow succinct, logical, innovative notational solutions to real-world problems.