Bob Myers (2015-09-15T06:16:08.000Z)
rtm at (2015-09-15T06:49:38.439Z)
May be getting off-topic here, but I wonder why we need templating languages at all in this day and age. Originally templating systems were developed for server-centric applications such as PHP etc. which generate HTML and blast it down to the client, as a way to untangle program logic and display logic and get away from madness such as `<p><? $post.text ?></p>` or much, much worse. When people starting writing client-side frameworks such as Ember etc., they brought over the notion of template languages without much thought, if I may say so. The client has perfectly good mechanisms for creating HTML with JS, that with bits of sugar are just as expressive as a template. Actually more expressive, because I can use arbitrary JS in my element creation, not just those constructs which the template language designer deigned to provide to me. Template languages bring in an entire new set of programming constructs, such as conditionals, loops, and computations, which duplicate those already present in JS. So if I want to loop in JS I use `forEach`, but if I want to loop in my template language I have to use `{{#each}}`. Some templating languages even provide the equivalent of function calls with their own weird syntax and some now support currying (!). For religious reasons, some templating languages limit the amount of computation that can be done within the template, so if I want to do something as simple as add one to a value, I have to precalculate that in my program logic and include the value in the scope passed to the template. It's weird when you think about it: We have a template which is for all practical purposes a big string, then we do what is essentially a kind of macro pre-processing of the string, then we feed the string into the DOM with `innerHTML` or whatever which requires parsing it again. And what happens if a value changes? In the worst case, we have to re-evaluate the entire template, and replace the entire result in the DOM. Now some templating implementations are developing ways to incrementally update the template and proclaiming loudly that they have invented an amazing new wheel. But if we dealt with the DOM directly via JS without the intermediation of templates, it would be trivial to update the DOM when something changed. What's more, a new language like templates brings with it an entire new toolchain. We now need ways to compile these templates, and lint these templates, and debug these templates, bringing yet another level of complexity into our build systems. In React.js, we see an interesting evolution of the entire notion of constructing the DOM. As I understand it, elements are created directly within JS, as in my opinion they should be. To avoid having to write `var foo = document.createElement('div').appendChild(document.createTextElement('bar'))`, it makes HTML syntax directly available from within JS, So you can say `var foo = <div>bar</div>;`. It may horrify some purists, and it does introduce another step in the build chain, but it's a great improvement over templates IMHO. One interesting client-side framework called Mithril does away with templates entirely and creates DOM nodes via JS via sugar routines such as `var foo = m("div", "bar");`. Works for me. So rather than attempting to figure out how the ES6 template string hammer can be used to pound in the templating system nail, I'd ask instead why we need to pound in that nail at all. Bob On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 10:54 AM, Thomas <thomasjamesfoster at> wrote: