JD Isaacks (2015-11-10T01:45:19.000Z)
Considering the proposals for both concise methods and the bind operator I
think it would be a great addition to be able to use them together.

I am already seeing a lot of this:

class Foo {
  bar = () => {
    // bound
  buz() {
    // unbound

I think having the bind operator with a concise method makes things more

class Foo {
  ::bar() {
    // bound
  buz() {
    // unbound

This would also allow for this to be using on object literals:

let foo = {
  ::bar() {
    // bound
  buz() {
    // unbound

This would also make using recursion with concise functions feasible:

let fibonacci = {
  ::at(n) {
    if (n < 2) {
      return n;
    return this.at(n-1) + this.at(n-2);
fibonacci.at(7); // 13

I am looking for a champion for this feature. Anybody interested?

JD Isaacks
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forbes at lindesay.co.uk (2015-11-12T15:37:16.971Z)
Considering the proposals for both concise methods and the bind operator I
think it would be a great addition to be able to use them together.

I am already seeing a lot of this:

class Foo {
  bar = () => {
    // bound
  buz() {
    // unbound

I think having the bind operator with a concise method makes things more

class Foo {
  ::bar() {
    // bound
  buz() {
    // unbound

This would also allow for this to be using on object literals:

let foo = {
  ::bar() {
    // bound
  buz() {
    // unbound

This would also make using recursion with concise functions feasible:

let fibonacci = {
  ::at(n) {
    if (n < 2) {
      return n;
    return this.at(n-1) + this.at(n-2);
fibonacci.at(7); // 13

I am looking for a champion for this feature. Anybody interested?
forbes at lindesay.co.uk (2015-11-12T15:36:59.506Z)
Considering the proposals for both concise methods and the bind operator I
think it would be a great addition to be able to use them together.

I am already seeing a lot of this:

class Foo {
  bar = () => {
    // bound
  buz() {
    // unbound

I think having the bind operator with a concise method makes things more

class Foo {
  ::bar() {
    // bound
  buz() {
    // unbound

This would also allow for this to be using on object literals:

let foo = {
  ::bar() {
    // bound
  buz() {
    // unbound

This would also make using recursion with concise functions feasible:

let fibonacci = {
  ::at(n) {
    if (n < 2) {
      return n;
    return this.at(n-1) + this.at(n-2);
fibonacci.at(7); // 13

I am looking for a champion for this feature. Anybody interested?