Logan Smyth (2016-08-11T00:29:23.000Z)
You could also swap that around to simplify the logic in the individual
classes, e.g.

// --- Module A

import C, {initC} from './c';


console.log('Module A', C)

class A extends C {
    // ...

export {A as default}

then export that function to force-initialize the `C` variable.
// --- Module C

import A from './a'
import B from './b'

var C;

export function initC(){
    if (C) return;

    C = class C {
        constructor() {
            // this may run later, after all three modules are evaluated, or
            // possibly never.


export {C as default};

So all the individual classes have to do is call the `initC` function to
ensure `C` has been properly initialized, then go from there. Note the
usage of `var` here is also critical since `let` would throw a TDZ error.

On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 5:04 PM, /#!/JoePea <joe at trusktr.io> wrote:

> I found a solution that works in environments compiled by Babel, using the
> [workaround suggested by Ben Newman](https://github.com/met
> eor/meteor/issues/7621#issuecomment-238992688):
> ```js
> // --- Module A
> import C from './C'
> let A = A // @benjamn's workaround applied
> export
> function setUpA(C) {
>     A = class A extends C {
>         // ...
>     }
> }
> export {A as default}
> ```
> ```js
> // --- Module B
> import C from './C'
> let B = B // @benjamn's workaround applied
> export
> function setUpB(C) {
>     B = class B extends C {
>         // ...
>     }
> }
> export {B as default}
> ```
> ```js
> // --- Module C
> import A, {setUpA} from './A'
> import B, {setUpB} from './B'
> let C = class C {
>     constructor() {
>         // this may run later, after all three modules are evaluated, or
>         // possibly never.
>         console.log(A)
>         console.log(B)
>     }
> }
> setUpA(C)
> setUpB(C)
> export {C as default}
> ```
> ```js
> // --- Entrypoint
> import A from './A'
> console.log('Entrypoint', new A) // runs the console.logs in the C
> constructor.
> ```
> Although that works in my environment which is compiled from ES6 modules
> to CommonJS by Babel, it [doesn't work in Rollup.js](http://goo.gl/PXXBKI),
> and may not work in other ES6 module implementations.
> Is there some solution that will theoretically work in any ES6 module
> environment?
> */#!/*JoePea
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forbes at lindesay.co.uk (2016-08-25T10:38:28.818Z)
You could also swap that around to simplify the logic in the individual
classes, e.g.

// --- Module A

import C, {initC} from './c';


console.log('Module A', C)

class A extends C {
    // ...

export {A as default}

then export that function to force-initialize the `C` variable.

// --- Module C

import A from './a'
import B from './b'

var C;

export function initC(){
    if (C) return;

    C = class C {
        constructor() {
            // this may run later, after all three modules are evaluated, or
            // possibly never.


export {C as default};

So all the individual classes have to do is call the `initC` function to
ensure `C` has been properly initialized, then go from there. Note the
usage of `var` here is also critical since `let` would throw a TDZ error.