Oriol Bugzilla (2016-09-07T15:32:57.000Z)
> Create a callable-only function that calls its left operand with the original arguments and `this`, then calling its right operand with the result and the same `this`.

IMHO, the order seems wrong. Not sure if programming languages do it differently, but in math composition works like this:

(f ? g)(x) = f(g(x))

So I think it would be more intuitive to use `<=<`, which would call the right operand first, and then call the left operand with the result of the right one.


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oriol-bugzilla at hotmail.com (2016-09-07T15:36:00.973Z)
> Create a callable-only function that calls its left operand with the original arguments and `this`, then calling its right operand with the result and the same `this`.

IMHO, the order seems wrong. Not sure if programming languages do it differently, but in math composition works like this:

(f ∘ g)(x) = f(g(x))

So I think it would be more intuitive to use `<=<`, which would call the right operand first, and then call the left operand with the result of the right one.
