Andrea Giammarchi (2016-09-15T18:45:01.000Z)
> if( let a = ( let b = 10 ) * 3 > 10 )

I've honestly no idea, at first/quick read, what the hell that would

Is `a` going to be just `true` ? 'cause if not, this proposal violates
operator precedence.

If yes ... why would anyone write that ?

On Thu, Sep 15, 2016 at 7:30 PM, J Decker <d3ck0r at> wrote:

> Why not more generally - allow let/var declarations in expressions?
> coming from a long and rich C background, I have no issues with the
> existing mechanisms... but for those languages that do support variable
> declarations in for loops; I've always wondered why not any expression?
> if( let a = ( let b = 10 ) * 3 > 10 )
> ... or ...
> c = (let a = b*d)
> granted, the scope is extremely limited in the last case...
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forbes at (2016-09-16T09:54:31.213Z)
> ```js
> if( let a = ( let b = 10 ) * 3 > 10 )
> ```

I've honestly no idea, at first/quick read, what the hell that would

Is `a` going to be just `true` ? 'cause if not, this proposal violates
operator precedence.

If yes ... why would anyone write that ?